Health Tracks 624-05-15-50-08

(Revised 1/15/21 ML #3606)

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Federal law specifies that all persons under 21 years of age who are eligible for medical services through Title XIX, including children in foster care, must be informed of Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT), known in North Dakota as Health Tracks or a well child check, is designed to detect health problems at an early age.


Children in foster care are required to have their physical, mental, developmental needs assessed and addressed. Foster care case managers must ensure each foster child has a Health Tracks or a well-child check completed within 30 days of entry into foster care and at least annually thereafter. The screening must include developmental and mental health assessments, as well as assessments for physical, dental and optical health needs of the child, regardless of age. A formal dental exam must be completed for each foster child at first tooth eruption or by 1 year of age based on Medical Services policy and the American Association of Pediatric Dentistry recommendation.


The professional providing the Health Track screening will assist the child’s foster care case manager in making referrals if additional services are needed. A copy of the Health Tracks screening must be placed in the child’s case file and dates of the screening must be entered into the data management system.